conversation starters
Conversation Starters for Kids
September 22, 2022

Four Tips for Developing Empathy in Children

children empathy

Empathy is one of the basic skills that comprise emotional intelligence (EQ), allowing us to see the world through the eyes of others and feel compassion for them.

Cultivating empathy in children is valuable because it helps them build healthy relationships with other children and adults. It can also help children become tolerant, kind, and compassionate adults.

children empathy

What Exactly Is Empathy?

Empathy is the ability to recognise, understand, and reflect the feelings of others. It involves both mental and emotional processes that can be taught and improved.

Our capacity to share or reflect the feelings of others is referred to as affective or emotional empathy (e.g., feeling sad when another person feels sad).

Cognitive empathy is the ability to recognise and understand other people’s feelings, such as by trying to imagine what they are going through or thinking.

Because of the flexibility of the brain, children may learn and develop both the emotional and cognitive components of empathy.

children empathy

So, here are four ways to help children develop empathy.

Foster Emotional Literacy

Emotional literacy involves teaching young children to recognise, understand, and act on their own and other people’s emotions in a healthy way.

Young children don’t have the words to describe their feelings, so they often express emotions in ways that aren’t helpful or appropriate. It is, therefore, essential for children’s social-emotional development to learn how to recognise and name their emotions.

You can help your child understand and talk about their feelings by using children’s books, rhymes, and stories.

Teach Them Mindfulness

Studies have shown that mindfulness meditation can make people more empathetic by stimulating the part of the brain that controls empathy.

Simple mindfulness exercises for kids can also help them form healthy habits early in life, teaching them positive ways of thinking, increasing optimism and resilience, and assisting children to become compassionate.

Encourage Make-Believe Play

Imaginative play can help children naturally learn empathy by allowing them to experiment with social roles and improve their communication abilities.

Such play promotes emotional regulation and empathy. It also teaches young children how to deal with negative emotions such as jealousy, rage, or sadness. In addition, playing make-believe gives children a safe way to explore and express their feelings.

children empathy

Model Empathy

Show your little one how to understand emotional signs and build empathy by setting a good example. You model empathy for your child when you engage with others with care, kindness, and respect.

Also, talk about how you feel in different situations, suggest methods for your child to express empathy, and always identify the feelings.

This Brene Brown YouTube clip is a good illustration of the difference between empathy and sympathy

About Tiny Terrors

Empathy is what makes us humans. It helps us understand how others feel by allowing us to imagine ourselves in their place.

With a team of Psychologists, Behaviour Consultants, and Junior Therapists, Tiny Terrors can be your partner in teaching your child empathy through activities that promote acceptance, compassion, and altruism.

Our skilled professionals can give you some precious tips on how to build empathy into your child’s daily routine and instil a compassionate perspective in them from an early age.  You can call us on 1300 00 14 14 to discuss your child’s needs.